The Segway i2 SE
The Segway i2 SE weighs 105 lbs. It has a footprint of 25.5" x 25". Maximum speed is 25mph. Range is 24 miles on a single charge depending on weight of the rider and terrain.
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Why purchase a used Segway for sale from a dealership rather than eBay or Craigslist?
The answer is simple: maintenance, trust and warranties. You don't get those from personal sellers. Also, we have a certified Segway technician on staff that maintains our fleet. It's priority to keep our Segway PT's in great condition so our customers who take our tours are safe on them. We refresh our fleet every few years with new machines and this gives our customers and opportunity to purchase a commercial grade machine that they've always wanted at a lower price than a brand new Segway PT.
Why Choose the Segway i2 SE?
This Segway PT is the gold standard of self balancing personal transportation machines. It’s the third generation model. It was the first self balancing machine to come out to the world. All self balancing personal transportation devices are copycats of this machine. It was designed by Dean Kamin and it has revolutionized transportation.
If you are looking for a machine that needs little to no maintenance for years, and this is the one for you. If it’s a priority to you that a self balancing two wheeled vehicle feels as though it’s an extension of your body. This machine is for you. No other self balancing two wheeled vehicle feels like the Segway i2 SE.
If you are looking for a machine that needs little to no maintenance for years, and this is the one for you. If it’s a priority to you that a self balancing two wheeled vehicle feels as though it’s an extension of your body. This machine is for you. No other self balancing two wheeled vehicle feels like the Segway i2 SE.
It fits through a standard doorway and it weighs approximately 100 pounds. This machine is perfect for a person who wants to travel distances that are too far to walk but are too short to drive. If you live in a dense urban area you can take to Segway into the elevator at your apartment complex and ride it out. Not only will you be the “Segway Guy or Girl” to everybody in your building you’ll also be arriving to work sweat free. We always say there is a rockstar element to owning one of these machines, people know you as the person who owns it in public. You will receive attention because of this machine and society. That’s a fact.
If you’re trying to decide whether this commuter version is right for you take a look at our all-terrain version compare the two.
We have customers who purchased machines in 2005 and still ride them and use them every day. It’s really quite amazing. The quality of these machines is the kind of quality we used to see in the 50s, 60s and 70s with machinery. There is no planned obsolescence going on here. You don’t have to worry about it breaking down within the first month of ownership.
If you’re trying to decide whether this commuter version is right for you take a look at our all-terrain version compare the two.
We have customers who purchased machines in 2005 and still ride them and use them every day. It’s really quite amazing. The quality of these machines is the kind of quality we used to see in the 50s, 60s and 70s with machinery. There is no planned obsolescence going on here. You don’t have to worry about it breaking down within the first month of ownership.
What About Repairs?
Eventually the tread on the tires will wear out and you will need to replace the tread. There is a tube inside the tire as well. So we recommend when replacing the tread replace the tube as well. Some dealerships will not change your tire for you they will just encourage you to purchase a new rim and tire with tube already loaded inside. It is quite labor-intensive to take the performance tire off of the rim, so if you need to get the tires changed on your Segway PT you probably will want to reach out to a dealership.
The batteries last a super long time, we have machines that still have 2007 batteries on them. That’s over 10 years of battery life! As long as you always plug the machine in when you’re not using it you will not have any problems with the battery life. But if you purchase a Segway PT and leave it at a vacation home for 3 to 6 months unplugged, it’s possible that your batteries will be dead when you return so always plug your Segway PT in when you’re not using it.
The batteries last a super long time, we have machines that still have 2007 batteries on them. That’s over 10 years of battery life! As long as you always plug the machine in when you’re not using it you will not have any problems with the battery life. But if you purchase a Segway PT and leave it at a vacation home for 3 to 6 months unplugged, it’s possible that your batteries will be dead when you return so always plug your Segway PT in when you’re not using it.
When you purchase a new Segway PT, it comes with two keys. We recommend using one key predominately and storing the other key until it’s time to switch. Over the long haul, if you use your Segway PT every day, just like any power button you can begin to wear it out. If you take care of your key it will last you for years, but if you miss treat your key and drop it and press the power button too hard too frequently, you can damage the sensitivity of the power button.
Whats Up With The Batteries?
This is one of the most common questions that people ask when they’re considering purchasing a Segway PT. It requires two lithium ion batteries that cost $999 a piece. The reason why the batteries are so expensive is because they are special battery is designed for this particular Segway PT. The Segway PT requires a lot of immediate power to accelerate the way it is able to. That is why you cannot just put any type of lithium ion batteries on it.
As far as charging the batteries goes, you do not have to put it on a timer. There is a build in regulator inside the Segway PT that prevents it from over charging, so the timer is inside the machine already. Just plug it in when you’re not using it and you’re good to go. As far as maintenance for the Segway PT batteries, there is none. They are commercial grade long lasting batteries that come with a one-year warranty. The only time we have ever seen our customers have issues with the batteries is when they leave them unplugged for months on end.
As far as charging the batteries goes, you do not have to put it on a timer. There is a build in regulator inside the Segway PT that prevents it from over charging, so the timer is inside the machine already. Just plug it in when you’re not using it and you’re good to go. As far as maintenance for the Segway PT batteries, there is none. They are commercial grade long lasting batteries that come with a one-year warranty. The only time we have ever seen our customers have issues with the batteries is when they leave them unplugged for months on end.